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Pentecost Sunday is 50 days after Easter and it is derived from the Jewish "Festival of Weeks" following Passover. We remember the story from Acts about the disciples being filled with the Holy Spirit as they celebrated the Jewish Pentecost in Jerusalem and how they were given the ability to prophecy in many languages. It was the day when the Holy Spirit gave them both utterance and the boldness to publicly proclaim the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ. We wear red on Pentecost to remember the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Trinity Sunday follows where the church is again adorned with white and our focus is on the Trinitarian life in God - our ministry of Jesus Christ, to the glory of the Father, through the power of the Holy Spirit. We then enter the season after Pentecost where you will see the clergy in green vestments and green banners and decoration in the church. This is to symbolize the regeneration and growth in the Holy Spirit. Our worship during this season after Pentecost is focused on the teachings of Jesus Christ rather than the events of his life.

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