The Rev. Anjel Scarborough, SCP
The Rev. Anjel Scarborough was called to be the rector of All Saints in January 2021. She is a second vocation priest having spent 20+ years working in information technology prior to answering God's call to ordination. She attended the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (now United Lutheran Seminary), graduating in 2007 with a specialty in Town and Country Ministries and honors in New Testament scholarship.
Anjel+ was ordained deacon in June 2007 by the Rt. Rev. John Rabb in the Diocese of Maryland. She served a number of Episcopal parishes and missions including six years as rector of Grace Church, Brunswick. She also spent two years as a hospice chaplain in Washington County MD. She is an iconographer, retreat leader, has a passion for leading communities who dare to seek out those on the margins of our society as Jesus did. She currently serves as the Diocesan Liturgist for the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania and is a member of the Society of Catholic Priests.
Anjel+ and her spouse Stuart+ (who is a deacon) have been married over 30 years and have two adult children.