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COVID Update - 3/14/2022

The Diocesan COVID Task Force released a new set of guidelines for parishes in light of the drop in COVID infections in our area. After meeting with the Wardens, we have decided to update our guidelines, effective THIS Sunday, March 20th, for in-person attendance as follows:

  • The wearing of masks is supported for those who desire this personal level of protection. Others may go mask-free in worship and at other church events EXCEPT when singing during worship.

  • We will maintain socially distanced seating for the next two weeks. If infection rates remain low, we will remove distancing requirements.

  • Return of the common cup for receiving the wine for those who desire to receive the wine this way. Individual cups of wine will still be available at Communion. Intinction is NOT allowed.

  • Restoration of Hospitality Hour and Men's Breakfast (mark your calendars for April 9th).

All Saints takes seriously the obligation to love our neighbors and respect their decisions regarding the wearing of masks and maintaining of social distance. We will continue to pass the peace in a socially distanced manner to honor each other and maintain the dignity of the flow of the liturgy.

I want to thank all of our members for your patience, grace, and cooperative spirit in navigating this terrible time in our history. Your love and support for our leaders' decisions has contributed to a shalom in this community that is deeply needed. May we embody that peace in ways that facilitate the healing of the Holy Spirit for those who need a healing place.



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